Transition Information for Parents

Preparing for Adulthood

Transition Out of School Process

  • School will fund and arrange an independent careers interview for every young person in year 7, year 9 and every year from year 11 upwards 
  • Annual Reviews for leavers will be held in Autumn Term 
  • Aspirations and career pathways will be discussed at the annual review and logged under Looking Forward (Section I of EHCP) this will be sent to SENDAR. SENDAR may attend the annual reviews of pupils who we know are leaving at the end of the academic year. 
  • A preference form from the LA will be sent home in the Autumn term (by Evergreen) for all students year 11 upwards. This needs to be returned to school and school will send this off to the local authority by the end of November.  
  • Please note, SENDAR will always consult with the nearest mainstream FE college to determine if the student’s needs can be met and the support be delivered, as outlined in Section F of the EHCP 
  • The LA will update the young person’s EHCP, parents will receive a notice to amend from SENDAR.
  • Final EHC Plan will be issued on or before 31 March 2025, naming educational establishment from September 2025, in Section I of the EHCP.
  • It is the parents’/carers’ responsibility to start looking at and visiting colleges at least a year before they plan to leave (preferably two years). 
  • School will share any information we receive about open days form other colleges and a PFA ‘Futures’ fair will be held in the Autumn Term at Evergreen  
  • The parents/carers need to apply for the courses that their young person wishes to attend 
  • The young person will then be invited for an interview and maybe a taster day. Parents will be expected to support these visits, however school will also organise transition visits for local colleges / specialist provision. 


  • Once a place has been offered to your young person, the college will then contact Evergreen school and ask us for the information that they require. This will include attainment levels for English and Maths and/or any other courses that they are expected to successfully complete, where applicable, as well as any support plans, professional reports, safeguarding or additional information. 
  • Evergreen School will send any relevant information as and when requested by the many different colleges, this usually includes an updated EHCP and any other multi-disciplinary reports and medical information that we hold. We send this information securely via egress.
  • It is our responsibility to send safeguarding logs to the next setting within the first week of the young person starting college/next setting. 
  • Please note that Evergreen school is not required to send all information held in school for your young person. 
  • The college will ask parents/carers at a later date to see the certificates for any accredited courses that the young person has completed successfully, where applicable. 
  • The exam boards will send us the certificates during the Autumn Term. Evergreen School will then host an awards evening where students will receive their certificates attained from the previous year. This event will usually take place during the Autumn Term. Please note that we cannot legally post the certificates; they must be collected in person. We do not replace certificates if they are lost (parents/carers would need to apply to the relevant exam board for replacement certificates). Parents/carers must keep them safe as there is a significant charge to replace them. 

Useful Information can be found here: Warwickshire Post 16 Help

Warwickshire Transitions Guidance 2023

Career Seekers Direct- Post-16

WCC Parent Carer Forum Transitions Guide


Important dates for Leavers:

Friday 29th November 2024 – Deadline for ‘Post 16-19 preference’ forms to be returned to SENDAR, indicating preferred destination for the following academic year. These are completed EVERY YEAR for students aged 16-19. If your young person will remain at Evergreen for another year, please reflect this on the form.

Submit your preference/s here:

Phase Transfer Preference Form



Please be aware that, when your young person moves on to another education provider, transport to and from this provider is not guaranteed and will need to be reassessed.

You can apply for transport here:

Apply for SEND transport



Leavers’ Destinations by academic year