School Uniform
The Evergreen School Uniform was designed following Stakeholder consultations. Our uniform is as follows:
Students aged 4-15
- Grey or black tracksuit bottoms, trousers or skirt
- Green (or white) polo shirt
- Green jumper or sweatshirt
- Green summer dress
- Waterproof jacket & trousers
- Green cap or warm hat
- Black or grey trainers or shoes
The uniform is a recommendation and not compulsory. Our priority is that every pupil at Evergreen School feels safe, happy and comfortable and able to learn skills for independence.
The Evergreen logo on clothing is preferred but optional.
Marks & Spencer sell a range of ‘Easy Dressing’ clothes, which include clothes for children with hip dysplasia, children with feeding tubes and zip-up bodysuits. Practical fastenings and gentle materials ensure comfort. They cater to all ages from newborn up to 16 years.
Swimming & Physical Skills
Your child/young person will also need appropriate sports clothing according to the activities they are accessing in school e.g. swimming items / gym wear
Where your child/young person requires incontinence support for swimming sessions, there is a range of reusable washable swimwear available with inbuilt incontinence support- some useful websites below:
Period-proof swimwear
Sixth Form/Students aged 16-19
Older students do not need to wear school uniform.  Instead, students will need to consider what is suitable clothing according to their personalised curriculum. We encourage students within Sixth Form to develop the skills to identify and wear appropriate clothes for the weather and tasks they are engaging in at school that day.
We also encourage them to develop the skills to decide upon appropriate clothing that will be respectful and comfortable to learn in.
Students’ personalised timetables will be a range of activities which could include: serving/cleaning in Evergreen Community Book CafĂ©, decorating or upcycling in Evergreen Workshop, marketing and displaying items in Evergreen Enterprise Shop, caring for the animals, planting and gardening in the horticulture area or partaking in community sports and recreation.
Embroidered uniform is available to purchase online, by clicking on the icon:
Please note that although the address is Deansway, the uniform is applicable for both campuses. The logo displaying on the uniform is a sample logo and you will receive the Evergreen School logo on uniform ordered.
Please label all items of clothing with your child/young person’s name to avoid confusion, especially coats and shoes. This will ensure that items are easily found and returned to you if there are any mix-ups. Not all children/young people will recognise their own belongings, so please help us to manage this.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office.