
Our Diversity Champions

Our Diversity Champions for 2024-25 are Dexter and Katie.


Hello, my name is Katie. I am a sixth form student at Evergreen School.

I am a diversity champion and diversity is important to me because I believe that everyone is equal no matter their race, gender or sexuality.

Diversity starts with acceptance, empathy, respect and much more. I believe that diversity is important and I’m happy to say that my school does well on this particular subject. Our school gives out a very warm welcome for all and we are all proud to say “let’s celebrate the beauty of diversity! You are all loved and accepted!”

And that is why I want to talk about diversity. Let’s silence the inner critic and embrace the unique masterpiece that you are! – Katie, Diversity Champion


Hello, my name is Dexter and I am a year 10 student from Evergreen School.

Diversity is important to me to remind people that they are equal in this world despite their differences. 

Diversity I feel is about acceptance, respect and maturity even if you feel you don’t relate to that particular subject

I’m proud to say that our school, and to extent our country, does very well in letting everyone embrace and accept our differences.

And that is why I feel diversity is so important.