Behaviour: relationships and regulation

We believe all children and young people at Evergreen need to feel safe, cared for and have a sense of belonging.

Our staff create an atmosphere where everyone feels valued and where life chances are improved and children and young people take with them the ability to form meaningful relationships and access learning. 

We strive to develop safety, security and trust through protection, connection, understanding and care.  Changes in behaviours are a form of communication and the expression of underlying needs. It is not possible to support a child or young person’s behaviour without addressing those needs.  At Evergreen, staff provide students with positive everyday interactions to maintain relationships and agreements. This promotes a calm and supportive learning environment, clear boundaries, predictable routines, expectations and responses.   

At Evergreen we have a team of Team Teach trainers who train all class-based staff.  Team Teach provides positive behaviour management training, equipping staff to deal with challenging situations and behaviours in ways that lead to positive relationships.  The behaviour team personalise training to meet the needs of the school and support with writing and reviewing of the students’ Individual Support Plans. 

Through an ethos of nurture and empathy, responding calmly, staff manage behaviour, regulate emotions and build on students’ capability for self-regulation, enabling the children and young people to feel that they belong, can achieve and can contribute to school, home and the community. 

Reducing Restrictive Intervention


We are an Attachment & Trauma aware school: