
Evergreen Admissions Criteria

Admission to Evergreen School is managed through the local authority, please see ‘Warwickshire’s admissions procedures for SEND pupils’ and the ‘Continuum of provision and admission in Warwickshire’ which can be found as part of the authority’s local offer on the following link:  Warwickshire SEND

  • Pupils attending Evergreen School will be working significantly below expected levels of cognition and learning i.e. currently in year 5 but working at year 1 level.
  • The school is suitable to the child/young person’s age, ability, aptitude and special educational needs
  • Admission is not incompatible with the efficient education and efficient use of resources
  • Attainment levels across the curriculum which over time remain at least one key stage below those of most other learners of the same age, and progress across the curriculum which continues over time to be significantly less than that of other learners with the same starting point, despite relevant and purposeful evidence-based intervention.
  • Performance below the 2nd percentile on a composite score, or below the 1st percentile on a test of specific area, on the British Ability Scales (3rd UK Edition) or the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children, implemented by an appropriate qualified professional. Where standardised tests are not appropriate, suitably qualified professionals would describe the learner’s difficulties as severe in relation to age norms.
  • Other needs will not be excluding factors in recognition of the scope of the special school offer.
  • Placement will be compatible with the safety of other students

Each referral is considered by an admissions panel, which meets monthly and is attended by a range of professionals including representatives from Warwickshire’s Special Educational Needs Disability Assessment and Review team and a representative from Warwickshire specials schools.

Consideration will always be given to the current profile of the cohorts in the schools and settings and is dependent on school capacity.

If the local authority has offered your child or young person a place at Evergreen School or Evergreen School is named on their Education, Health & Care Plan, then we encourage you to contact the school so we can meet your child/young person and discuss a bespoke transition so they have a successful start at Evergreen. The transition will always include talking to parents, previous setting/school and of course meeting the child or young person.


If your child or young person has an Education, Health & Care Plan in place and you wish to learn more about the school then we encourage you to look at the school website, which has extensive information about the school.

School Tour information

Dear prospective families,

Thank you for your interest in coming to visit Evergreen School.

You will have seen from our admission webpage that we set out a number of school tour dates over the school year to show prospective families around our fantastic school campuses. These tours are mostly full, and unfortunately, we are not in position to offer further tours at this stage. Whilst we are eager to show as many families round as feasibly possible there are a number of considerations when managing this. These include:

  • Ensuring as least disruption as possible to pupils in school – as I am sure you can understand, lots of unfamiliar faces can be upsetting for many of our pupils
  • Capacity of the school to deliver tours – we are conscious that our priority will always be to the pupils and families that are attending Evergreen, and unless a placement is seriously being considered by SENDAR and the school has a space, it is necessary to manage expectations for prospective families
  • Capacity of the school – we have a huge demand for places at Evergreen and do not often have the capacity to admit new pupils mid-way through the school year. It is important to share that although parents can state a school preference as part of the EHCP process, SENDAR are responsible for naming the school and we work closely with colleagues in SENDAR to ensure the right pupils are being placed in our provision.
  • The stage you are at with your child/young person’s EHCP – If SENDAR are considering naming a generic specialist provision in central Warwickshire, we ask that you coordinate with SENDAR, who will liaise with the school to arrange a visit separate to the tour process

We would greatly appreciate if prospective families could take time to carefully read through our admissions policy/criteria (in the text above) and take the time to discuss with your child/young person’s EHCP coordinator the most suitable provision for your child/young person. We very often show families round our school who do not have any prior knowledge of our setting and whether it would be suitable for their child or young person. In addition to this you can find more information on the SEND local offer webpage: SEND Local Offer – Warwickshire County Council

Hopefully this provides some further context, and we are sorry that the school cannot offer more visits as this current time.

If you still wish to visit, due to the limited number of spaces for each time and date, we will only initially be able to accept one parent or carer (however, please indicate when requesting your date and time if you would like a second space and we will accommodate this if the session isn’t full). Unfortunately, children/young people will not be able to accompany you on the tour due to capacity, however, should they be offered a place, they will be able to see the school and its facilities during their transition programme.

If you have already received an offer of a place at Evergreen, please DO NOT request a visit using this system. You will be contacted separately to organise transition visits.


The new dates for school tours are:

Brittain Lane Campus Tours
Tuesday 11/02/25
Tuesday 13/05/25

Deansway Campus Tours
Tuesday 11/03/25
Tuesday 06/05/25
Tuesday 24/06/25